Mobile Medical Clinics
The last two weeks we started Mobile Medical Clinics for 2015! We are doing two days per weekend and I consider the first ones a great success. While these clinics are a work in progress here are the results. We were able to preach to about 1300 people in the 4 clinics. Many made professions of faith. In the future we will also have classes for those who profess Christ. In the mean time we are encouraging the folks to go to the church hosting the clinic. These clinics are in the bush and miles from any other source of medicine. Some people want medicine for when they will need it. We triage the folks to determine who are really sick so that they can see our local Malawian doctor; the rest are given some basic medicine for headaches and stomachaches. One thing is for sure, we are saving the lives of many very sick people. Please pray we have wisdom as we develop this ministry and that the funds will be available for medicine.
Women’s Conferences
In Malawi we have begun to systematically teach women in our churches to teach their children in the church. Stephanie organized these conferences and is one of the main teachers during the training. During the last two weeks we were able to train 74 women how to teach the Bible and give them a story cloth as an illustration. We also gave out Bibles to the women who will be teaching. Since these women had never owned a Bible, they were very touched to have one that they could now use to teach others. We believe this ministry will change our churches in Malawi. Pray for our teachers and children.
Camp in Moldova
It will soon be time for our evangelistic camps in Moldova. Everyone is working hard to prepare the facility and program. This year the Moldovan economy is in shambles and many local pastors have informed us it is going to be very difficult for the children and teens to come this year. We are trying to raise $50,000 from U.S. sponsors to ease the burden and make it possible for the children to come. We have $21,000 toward this goal. Please consider helping us with this soul winning effort. This has always been an exciting ministry; be a part this year. Sponsorship for a child’s week of camp is $20.
Bed Project for Pastor’s Dorm
As you know we have been constructing a dormitory in Malawi for our local pastors to sleep while in the Bible schools. Soon we will be building beds for the dorm. A group of Americans are coming in July to put them together, but we need at least $5000 for the materials. We have raised $2,000 and need just $3000 more to meet the need. This is approximately $50 a bed. It will get the pastors off the dirt floor and onto a bed with mattress and mosquito net.