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Summer Update and Fall Happenings

Stephanie and I arrived back in Moldova for the opening of our Bible school. I’ll be preaching and working with our men and students. Stephanie is teaching English in the school. We have 45 in our student body; 16 are new this year. We are excited about the new school year. Many of our students are going to the villages of Moldova with the Gospel.

Camp in Moldova was a great success with many saved and touched with the Gospel. The Malawian day camps have just finished, and what a great success these camps have been. In Malawi we presented the Gospel to 35,417 souls and 8,457 persons made a profession of faith in Christ. This number does not represent small children, just teens and adults. The camps far exceeded my expectations this year.

In Malawi we are building the pastor’s school. We need another $12,000 to pour the second floor slab. It is exciting to see the building coming up. I can envision the day when we start a school for our young men and modular classes for our older pastors. Please pray for the completion of this building. I have three one-week modular schools planned for our pastors next year and could use this building then; the need is great.

In January Stephanie will begin an education program for women in Malawi to instruct them how to teach the Bible to their church children. We want to give each church a Bible Storying Cloth for their Sunday school. This cloth costs $8.50 per copy. We need 300 of them; please pray about helping us educate the children of Malawi in the Bible. We are very excited about the potential of this ministry.

We need prayer for several projects. In Moldova the government has required that we remodel our cafeteria in order to open camp next year. Our cafeteria seats 450 persons, so this is a big job. The cost is approximately $20,000. We also need support for this year’s Bible students; their support is $50 per month or $600 per school year. Please pray fervently for these needs.

Pray for Moldova. In October there will be elections. The big issue here is whether Moldova should be in the European Union or part of the Russian Federation. A newsletter is not the forum for this discussion, but there are advantages and disadvantages. Please pray for our Christian people here.

Eric Chapman

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